Dave Roberts  |  Feb 07, 2008  |  0 comments

“Lotte, a gentleman’s dressing chest, was one of three pieces built for a wealthy financier – is there any other sort? – at the behest of his wife, who organised his life. For this piece, all she told me was, ‘Steven is quite conservative’ – that was the brief! So I took command because you have to in a situation like that.

Mike Riley  |  Feb 05, 2008  |  0 comments
To whittle not Wii!

Israeli-born luthier Boaz Elkayam was once asked by Victorinox to build a guitar using only a Swiss army knife. It was a publicity stunt, of course, but when you consider that traditional Mexican luthiers build guitars using few tools other than the long, curved carving knife that they call a cuchillo, it doesn’t seem like such a tall order.

The Woodworker  |  Jan 31, 2008  |  0 comments
Here's the latest in child safe finishes from Liberon

With child safety always at the forefront of parents minds, ensure your home is child proof with the range of Liberon products which are EN -71 Part 3 Approved. EN – 71 Part 3 Approved is an assurance that any product with this accreditation is safe for use on items which children come into contact with such as toys, furniture and flooring, ensuring children are safe at…

The Woodworker  |  Jan 25, 2008  |  0 comments
BriMarc have been appointed the exclusive importers of Magswitch Featherboards, MagJigs & MagSquares, the ‘Turn off and on powerful permanent magnets’!

(We've just got some samples in to test, initial impressions are very good, full test coming soon in The Woodworker - Ed)

The Woodworker  |  Jan 23, 2008  |  0 comments

Adding a message

How to format a forum message (style your text, add a link, check spelling etc) How to add an image or movie to a forum post How to quote other people's messages How to edit your messages How to update your avatar How to update your status


The Woodworker  |  Jan 23, 2008  |  0 comments
This one's definately worth a watch! It's a demonstration of the Joint Genie system. We've tested the system for The Woodworker and we're thorouly impressed with it! Ralph Laughton has also but togeather an article on using the Joint Genie system which will feature in The Woodworker magazine soon.
Phil Edwards  |  Jan 17, 2008  |  0 comments
Phil Edwards demonstrates how to make a raised panel with a custom made handplane.

Mike Riley  |  Jan 09, 2008  |  0 comments

Unguided edge tool: from wasting to delicate shaping, the draw knife can be made a jack of many trades

There must have been a time when every woodworker had a draw knife in his toolbox. It’s the only way to account for the vast number available today in secondhand tool shops and on eBay; my friend even found one buried in a field recently, and after being cleaned up, he was able to press it back into service. If you…

Andy King  |  Jan 09, 2008  |  0 comments

In order to make a living with woodworking, I find there has to be a compromise between power tools and elbow grease, and I’ll be the fi rst to admit that I couldn’t survive without power tools. Saying that, if there’s one thing that power tools haven’t been able to match, it’s the fi ne control of basic edge tools in skilled hands. The bench hand plane, for example, is certainly a tool that will be practically…

Ian Taylor  |  Jan 08, 2008  |  0 comments
Refurbished bench top with a new lease of life I couldn't avoid it any longer: my workbench needed help. It had been looking the worse for wear for a while and something needed to be done. I have to admit that I hadn't been taking as much care of it as I should have, so its decline had accelerated in recent months. It was time to take remedial action. Before refurbishment: needing a little TLC Quick refurb This type of…
