A Bench to Remember...

Tom Fraser in front of the template bench with student and staff names marked on it. Anselm Fraser is pictured talking to staff and students at the bench’s dedication, with Isobel’s sister, Mary Martin, and niece, Jaci Simpson.​

It’s a bench that’s been made by many hands and is now a fitting memorial to a departed colleague.

Isobel Edgar was student welfare officer at the Chippendale International School of Furniture, and passed away last month.

She was one of the school’s longest-standing members of staff, having worked with the Chippendale team for 25 years.

The redwood bench is the school’s way of paying tribute to her and a permanent reminder of her contribution to the Chippendale school.

It was copied from an old bench, with all the school’s students and members of staff contributing a small piece.

It’s now situated on school grounds, on a spot that Isobel loved, offering views over the surrounding countryside, and a place that will give future students a place of quiet contemplation.

The bench was made under the supervision of deputy principal Tom Fraser, and a sugarplum tree will be planted beside it.

Isobel was a valued member of the Chippendale school community who worked tirelessly to make our students’ lives as easy as possible,” said Anselm Fraser, principal.

“We know that she would love this memorial to her, and that every student and member of staff has contributed to it,” he said.

Isobel Edgar

Isobel Edgar​

To find out more about the School, see
The Chippendale International School of Furniture website.